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Save the Date! NDCA Annual Meeting

March 5, 2025

Join us June 26-27 at Lincoln, NE

Winter Seminar - Iowa CLE Activity ID

March 5, 2025

Members who attended the Winter Seminar and are seeking CLE credit for Iowa should have received an email with the activity ID and a certificate of attendance. 

If you did not receive an email with the activity ID or certificate of attendance, please contact us!

Thank You to our Fall Seminar Sponsors!

Nebraska Defense Counsel Association

Welcome to the Nebraska Defense Counsel Association website. NDCA is a state-wide association dedicated to serving the needs of our members. Membership is open to Nebraska attorneys who devote a majority of their law practice to the defense of civil lawsuits. The NDCA is comprised of approximately 200 Nebraska defense attorneys, practicing in state and federal courts.

Our Mission

The purpose of the Nebraska Defense Counsel Association is to enhance the knowledge and skills of its members and members' clients through educational programming and the exchange of information, ideas, and litigation techniques and to promote the highest standards of professionalism, civility and courtesy in litigation. [Rev. 2014]